Full Body Vibration Poster Whole Body Vibration Plate Exercise Chart Workout Poster for Vibration Plate Exercise Machine
54 EXERCISE, STRETCHING, & MASSAGE positions designed specifically for use with Whole Body Vibration machine.
LARGE POSTER WHOLE BODY VIBRATION POSTER - Not Laminated -- (Included automatically with purchase of Vibrant Health Power 1000 vibration machine): 24″ x 36″ size for easy viewing..
TARGET PROBLEM AREAS: Positions are organized by body area and difficulty level. Legs, Arms, Hips & Gluts, Abs, Upper Body, Chest, Back, Relaxation for the Lower Body, and Upper Body..
EASY TO USE: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced levels..
WORKOUT and other VIDEOS about Full Body Vibration available on Becky Chambers' YouTube Channel: VibrantHealthBecky.