Fully Animated Adventure - Indulge in all the beautiful animation from 24 episodes of the STEINS GATE anime.
A New Way to Time Leap - Experience the world of STEINS GATE with this remastered, ultimate version that features newly animated sequences for certain endings.
Branching Storylines - Every choice you make has its own consequence, shifting the world line closer or farther from reaching 1% divergence, providing a multitude of animated endin.
Put your investigative skills to the test! The lethal device tight around your neck is your only key to solving many sinister secrets..
Choose your actions and allies carefully! Each clue you Follow, each decision you make, advances the twisting, branching story, leading to multiple unique endings and opening new options to Replay!.
Uncover the truth! Collar x Malice is brimming with Suspense, drama, intriguing characters, and stunning artwork..